Words by Choithrams
Date 23.06.23

From dark, milk, white and everything in between

Turns out not all chocolate was created equal. Aside from the fact that it’s delicious and makes the perfect treat, chocolate offers certain health benefits too.

Let's take a look.

100% chocolate

Probably the most intense option, 100% chocolate only has one ingredient, which is cocoa mass, a brown, smooth liquid that’s made by grinding cocoa nibs. 

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It has an intense flavour as it doesn’t contain any milk or sugar to balance out the bitterness.

Dark chocolate

A good dark chocolate should have no more than four ingredients, including cocoa mass (either nibs or butter), sugar, lecithin, and sometimes vanilla.

Dark chocolate has a cocoa percentage between 65% and 99%, meaning the flavour is less intense than 100% because of the addition of sugar.

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Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, which are powerful antioxidants. Additionally, dark chocolate may lower blood pressure and reduce blood sugar levels.

Cooking is easy with dark chocolate and it can act as a base for many desserts including mousse, cheesecake, cakes and protein bites.

White chocolate

White chocolate is easy to identify because of its cream colour.

It is made by combining sugar, cocoa butter, milk, vanilla, and lecithin, which give white chocolate its sweet vanilla aroma.


Good quality white chocolate will have a rich, soft, and creamy texture — a characteristic that comes from its cocoa butter base and high sugar and milk content.

Milk chocolate

Probably the most classic of all, milk chocolate has a light brown colour, creamy texture, and sweet flavour.

Milk chocolate often has a flavour profile that can be described as sweet and chocolatey, with notes of cooked milk and caramelised sugar and a vanilla aftertaste.

When properly stored, milk chocolate has a shelf-life of about 16 months.

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Milk chocolates make a great gift choice because who doesn't love a box of chocolates?

It can be used in baking when your recipe requires a milder chocolate flavour. We love milk chocolate waffles, choccie-drizzled pancakes and chocolate brownies.

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