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Date 10.05.23

Play dates can be fun if mum and dad are fully prepped

Setting up and prepping for a playdate doesn’t need to be super complicated or take a lot of time.

However, have other kids over and don't have enough snacks, water or juice available and things can go quickly south.

Check out these tips to help you set up and host a successful playdate for your child.

Easy activities

Planned activities are a great way to make sure the kids are occupied for the majority of the play date, which can help with unwanted conflict.

Try not to over think the activities, keeping them simple will also mean less work and more fun.

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Easy baking, colouring, outdoor wet play, or very basic crafts are all easy to plan and execute with a few kids in tow.

Suitable snacks

There's nothing worse than that sinking feeling as little Johnny asks for his favourite flavour juice box and you just ran out.

Stock up before the kids arrive and you'll never be caught short again!

Popcorn is a great play date snack because it might find its way between the cushions, but at least it won't stain.

Individual juice cartons or water bottles are also a great option as they mean fewer spillages.

Go for organic wherever possible and avoid fizzy drinks and potions loaded with e-colours.

Short and sweet

If your child is struggling on playdates, schedule the playdate to be short - 60 minutes is ideal, 90 minutes at the most.

The goal is to have them experience a good time. Once you have a few positive experiences under your belt, you can extend the length of the playdate.

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