Words by Choithrams
Date 03.11.22

Learn how to take care of your body’s largest organ

Men traditionally keep it simple when it comes to skin care. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't evaluate your your current routine and pursue healthier, younger-looking skin.

See beyond the stubble and try these three simple tips to more hydrated and happy skin.

Wash your face daily and after exercise

Every man’s skin is different, and there is no "one size fits all" approach, however, missing a chance to wash or cleanse your face is never a good idea.

Because regular bar soap often contains harsh ingredients that can be drying to the skin, always try to wash your face with a mild facial cleanser.

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Start by splashing your face with lukewarm — not hot — water.

This is the best way to keep your skin from drying out, while also providing enough to heat to ensure all bacteria is removed from your face.

Wear sunscreen everyday

Wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer, are just as much a concern for men as they are for woman. Before going outdoors, apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin, including your scalp, ears, neck and lips.

To help prevent sun damage that can lead to all of the above, pick up a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. This isn't something you should only do when hitting the pool or beach, it should start to become a part of your daily routine.

Reapply every two hours, or immediately after swimming or sweating, if you are doing outdoor activity.

Give your skin the best protection everyday

Watch your shaving technique

Taking note of how you shave can make a big difference for your skin.

For some men, multi-blade razors can shave too closely to your skin, causing cuts and irritation. If you often experience razor bumps, razor burns, or ingrown hairs, try using a single- or double-blade razor instead.


Another good tip is to not stretch your skin taut while shaving, and to change your blade after around five to seven shaves, as this will minimise irritation.

Before you shave, wet your skin and hair with luke warm water to soften it. Use a moisturising shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth.

Rinse after each swipe of the razor, to avoid infection and the spread of bacteria.

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