Words by Choithrams
Date 05.04.21

Malaysian-born Bon Cheang is the head chef at Dubai’s Thai Kitchen and believes there is nothing more satisfying than making people happy through food and flavour

Where did you grow up?

In a town called Alor Star in Kedah, Malaysia.

Did you eat your veggies?

I did, I had to! And now I enjoy a wide range of veggies – including lots of vegetarian dishes.

When did you know you wanted to be a chef?

When I was a child I always helped my mum in the kitchen as she was preparing meals. I always enjoyed cooking at home and presenting my dishes to the family. I knew I had a talent and I suppose I just followed what I thought I was good at.

What is your favourite food memory?

It happens every time I see my guests enjoy a meal I have made. Obviously a compliment always helps but it isn’t necessary.

How difficult was your training?

Training is always hard but if you have a passion it doesn’t feel like work. I think I learned most of what I know as a kitchen helper because you learn everything from the ground up.

How do you get your inspiration?

The process of being mentally stimulated by food is something that inspires me daily. The feeling of using raw ingredients to create something special is very motivating and often means I come up with things I wasn’t expecting.

Favourite kitchen equipment or gadget?

The Hong Kong wok range is very good and I couldn’t be without my Global Chef set of knives.

Best piece of advice you would give a home enthusiast?

Have fun and be creative with recipes you remember as a child. It’s the memory of food that will allow you to cook with confidence.

Best cooking tip for a novice just getting into the business?

Start with simple recipes and gradually move on to improvising the recipes or trying out more advanced recipes. It’s always OK to fail.

What’s the most popular dish at Thai Kitchen and what’s your spin on it?

The most popular dishes are the crispy prawn with tamarind sauce, green papaya salad, steamed sea bass fillet, spicy yellow crab curry and of course, the sticky rice with mango. We use fresh ingredients throughout and make everything to order which means it is steaming hot when it’s served.

Are you a fussy shopper?

Choithrams have a great range of spices and herbs and it’s a place I love to browse and pick up new ingredients. I am a list man and I always tick things off as I go!

Five ‘must-have’ items in your basket.

Fresh herbs, prawns, tenderloin, chicken breast and green vegetables.


Who in the food world do you most admire?

I had the privilege of working with chef Melker Andersson in Stockholm, Sweden, who is someone I very much admired. He has a passion for cuisine that is unrivalled by most. His love of flavour, creativity, and the influences of cuisine from all over the world, combined with his determination, were inspirational for me.

Choithrams have a great range of spices and herbs and it’s a place I love to browse and pick up new ingredients. I am a list man and I always tick things off as I go!

Favourite foods to cook with?

Fresh Thai herbs, chilli, galangal, lemon grass, lime leaves, laksa leaves, chee farang, fresh turmeric, garlic, shallots, hot basil, sweet basil. I have such a love of flavour so without these I find dishes bland.

What do you think is the most challenging ingredient to work with?

I don’t find ingredients difficult. The real challenge is when a supplier runs out of something, then things can get tough. If I don’t have the correct fish sauce, tamarind, curry paste, dark soya sauce or roasted chili paste it is hard to maintain consistency of the flavours, which means the recipe has to be adjusted.

What do you like to eat when you’re at home?

Croissant with a hot coffee is my guilty pleasure.

Are there any foods you just don’t like?

I don’t like my food when it is overcooked, salty, or too spicy.

Favourite cookbooks?

The chef's Companion; Tapas from Japan and Our Korean Kitchen.


Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully retired but still cooking for family and friends!

What is going to be the next big thing in the food world?

People exploring different food sources like insects as an alternative for protein.

What do you do for fun?

I enjoy going for morning jogs and I love gardening.

Favourite place in the world?

Thailand, Sweden, Tokyo, Japan and Dubai. Sorry, I just couldn’t choose!

If you had just one wish, what would it be?

To stay healthy and to enjoy good food and share memories with my family and friends.

What would be your ‘last supper’ meal?

Rice congee with clear noodle soup, served with hot chicken and vegetable soup.

The Thai Kitchen, located at the Park Hyatt in Dubai, is an award-winning restaurant featuring three live kitchens - one each for wok, grill and noodles. Recreating the excitement of the bustling streets of Bangkok, discover the true taste of Thailand in Dubai.


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